The joy is in your journey - embrace the transitions of your life

joy joyful living seek joy Dec 13, 2023
In the rhythm of our lives, it's easy to fixate on destinations—the milestones, achievements, and peak moments that seem to define our journey. Whether on the yoga mat or in the broader spectrum of life, the emphasis often leans towards the final pose, the graduation, the promotion—the ultimate destination.

Yet, the essence of our existence lies not just in those defining moments but equally, if not more so, in the transitions that connect them. It is in the journey towards any desired goal/destination we become the person worthy of standing in that pinnacle moment. Much like the breath during a yoga practice, the journey from inhale to exhale, life unfolds in a continuous cycle of transitions. We encourage you to explore the beauty and growth that occurs in these transitions.

As the pinnacle of 2023 draws near, a new chapter awaits you—take a moment to reflect on the person you have become over the past 12 months, the lessons and changes and then look forward, to the exciting possibilities that lie ahead. This juncture serves as a poignant reminder to appreciate the beauty of the transition and the becoming, not just the peaks.

Reflect on the transitions in your life, those moments between the important milestones - graduation, first job, marriage, birth of a child or grandchild. Notice the emotions, thoughts, and sensations that arise at both the 'peak' moment and during these in-between phases. Just as in yoga, where the true magic happens in the transitions between poses, life's richness is often found in these moments of change.

Now, bring your hands together in front of your heart—a symbolic gesture of unity and connection. Inhale deeply, appreciating the present moment and the lessons within transitions. Exhale, releasing worries about the future or attachments to the past.

The practice is to be fully present as you move through your life, to foster awareness and focus as you navigate life's transitions. Embrace the brief pauses, the gaps between inhale and exhale, where the true beauty of the journey unfolds.

Join our 'Step into Joy' Summer Solstice mini-retreat to acknowledge your 2023 transition and the forthcoming beginning of 2024. Take the time to consciously determine where you will be this time in 12 months.

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