Survival, reproduction and your first and second chakras

Jan 22, 2023

The word ‘chakra’ means wheel. Although chakras are part of the subtle anatomy and cannot be seen by the eye, you can begin to connect to them through your yoga practice. It is said that most chakras exist as small faint circles, but that the chakras of a keen yoga practitioner should be bright and vibrant shining circles, often referred to as wheels of light. As yoga encourages the energy to flow toward them. It is possible to focus on specific chakras during your yoga practice to enhance their energy.

Chakras are found at specific points along the midline of your body and have their own set of characteristics that relate to the human developmental stages, parts of the human body and they hold their own demons to be overcome and gifts to be shared.

Your root chakra – Muladhara

Muladhara chakra points downward connecting us to the earth (the element linked to this chakra) and is linked with the legs and dense parts of the body such as the bones and the teeth. The root chakra relates to the developmental stage of being in the womb to the first 12 months of life. A lot of the energy of this chakra pertains to matters of survival and your right to be here and to have. When we are concerned about survival we are dominated by fear and this is the demon of the first chakra. Meaning that anxieties about basic physical survival, including food, shelter, safety and money may be stored in this area.

 Working with the first chakra means to work with your relationship to your physical identity, your body and your ability to feel grounded and connected to the Earth. You are in essence reclaiming your temple of the body, which may go against our current paradigm of living in the mind which is considered superior to the body.

All our foundations rest upon this Earth. Having a solid foundation is most important for a good life and the experience of good health and the ability to manifest your desires beyond survival. The basic needs of this chakra are to learn to trust, be nourished, feel safe and know you have a right to be here.

The chakra system teaches us about the manifestation current, which asks us to ground downwards from the crown chakra into the root chakra to live most fully, as well as the liberation current to experience the oneness and bliss of a higher connection to the divine.

Therefore, we focus on creating a solid foundation and ground, by bringing awareness into our feet and legs to establish stronger connections and roots to the earth. When we are grounded we create stability, security, strength and boundaries and can step into enjoying the balanced characteristics of this chakra. These are:

  • Good health and vitality
  • Well-grounded and stable
  • Comfortable in the body
  • Sense of trust in the world
  • Feeling safe and secure
  • Able to relax, be still and release tension
  • Prosperity and right livelihood

Your second chakra – Swadhisthana

Swadhisthana chakra points forward and is linked with the hands, reproductive organs, kidneys, bladder, and low back. The second chakra relates to the developmental stage of 6 months to 24 months of life. A lot of the energy of this chakra pertains to matters of movement, connection, emotions, and sexuality. When we are concerned about the healthy expression of our emotions and sexuality we can be consumed by guilt and the free flow of your movement and ability experience pleasure. Water is the element of this chakra, and this represents our ability to have flowing movement and emotional experience.

Working with the second chakra means to work with your relationship to your emotional identity, your desire, sexuality, and relationships. You are in essence reclaiming your ability to feel, want and desire.

We focus on creating free flow of movement and healthy expression of emotions, to do this we bring awareness to the sensations of the body, and the feelings that lie behind our thoughts and sensations. When we are connected to our desire, we create the ability to be fluid, experience pleasure, healthy sexuality and feeling and can step into enjoying the balanced characteristics of this chakra. These are:

  • Graceful movement
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Ability to experience pleasure
  • Nurturance of self and others
  • Ability to change
  • Healthy boundaries

Our Women’s Wellbeing Harmony series Yin and Pin sessions are focused on supporting your chakras. Workshop one focuses on chakra’s one and two, learn more here: Yin & Pin Series - Women's Wellbeing (

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