Lakshmi's Pause: A Journey of Abundance, Beauty, and Self-Reflection

Jan 01, 2024

In the space between beginnings and endings, resides a moment of introspection. In the last days of 2023, I participated in a 'Finding Fulfillment' retreat online with Sarah Powell an Anusara yoga teacher based in the UK. Early one morning, as the world was awakening around me, the finding fulfillment workshop resonated deeply with me, it focused on the divine goddess Lakshmi—a symbol of abundance and beauty.

Lakshmi, once chose to step back from the world, as she had grown tired of it and all that she saw was happening that she was not pleased with. She stepped back from the world and paused for reflection. The goddess withdrew and left behind a world that started yearning for her abundance, beauty, and the joy she brought to life.

Within the vast numbers of Indian gods and goddesses, Lakshmi stands as one of the three main goddess deities we learn about in Anusara Yoga, alongside Saraswati and Kali. The gods and goddesses serve as reminders that the divine qualities each embody reside within us. Lakshmi is our reminder to embody our own essence of being a beautiful, abundant human.

During her introspective pause, the other deities missed Lakshmi, recognizing the absence of her unique gifts. In response to their collective longing, they beckoned her to return. When Lakshmi emerged, she was transformed— still the goddess of abundance and beauty, but now more of a beacon of clarity, understanding her purpose, and embracing her true self.

This tale of Lakshmi's journey holds a profound message for us as we navigate the transition into the new year. It serves as an invitation to turn inward, to ask ourselves: Who am I? What is my offering to the world? How can I bring more beauty and abundance into my life in the coming year, 2024?

As we embark on this introspective journey, guided by the wisdom of the goddess Lakshmi, we are encouraged to engage in practices that promote self-awareness. Yoga, a path that teaches us to become more introspective, becomes a valuable tool. Through the practice of forward folds, meditation, pranayama, journalling and intentional slowing down, we create a sacred space for self-discovery and transformation - for coming back different and anchored in what will bring us, and the world, more beauty, joy and abundance.

Recognise that the world often lures us away from what truly matters. In a society filled with distractions, the practice of Yoga to anchor into your sources of joy and bliss becomes essential. This introspective journey allows us to evolve, recognizing that what brings us joy may shift over time.

So, as we stand on the threshold of 2024, let us heed the lessons of Lakshmi's pause. May we find inspiration in her transformative journey, embracing moments of introspection, and emerging with clarity about who we are and what brings us true joy. Through this, we, too, can become architects of our abundant and beautiful destinies in the coming year.

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