How releasing muscle tension relieves back pain - Principle one to manage back pain

back pain Aug 23, 2022
Kristina showing the use of a muscle release ball to soften tight muscles.

If you are experiencing back pain, we understand it can be very painful and worrying, but be reassured it is very common and rarely dangerous. In fact, you are in the majority, with 84% of people worldwide experiencing back pain at some point in their life.

The experience of pain can be created by many factors: physical, psychological, health, lifestyle, and social factors. This means that you may feel pain when you move or try to do something, even though you are not damaging your back or if there is no damage in your back. Scans of backs will almost always show degeneration or abnormality, and these findings are poorly linked with back pain. Many findings of degeneration or abnormality are common in people without back pain. Most back pain is described as non-specific back pain, as the cause of the pain is hard to identify.

The most common treatment for back pain is pain killers. Scientific research has shown that strong painkillers don’t provide greater pain relief over simpler options and have greater potential for harm. 

At Yoga to Transform we know there is a better way to overcome back pain, let's introduce you to our Five Principles to live without back pain. If you want to learn more download our free ebook: Free eBook - Yoga to Transform Back Pain


Principle One: Soften to Release the tension (pain)

 A lot of back pain is caused by muscle tension and spasms. This tension can be caused by several different things, such as:

  • A big workout/activity the day before
  • Repetitive posture and not enough movement/activity
  • Stress and tension in your life
  • Worries or concerns
  • Not enough sleep
  • Poor diet and not enough of the right essential nutrients.

Given there are so many factors that may be contributing to your experience of muscle tension and spasms. It’s not necessary to try and identify what is causing the tightness. But it is necessary that you do what you can to soften and release the tightness. Our top three tips to release the physical tightness are:

  • Try a magnesium supplement – Magnesium contributes to flexibility and helps to prevent injury by loosening tight muscles. Without enough magnesium, muscles can't properly relax, possibly causing tightness, pain, and cramps. Magnesium for muscle spasms regulates those contractions and allows the muscles to relax. Magnesium helps to balance and control stress hormones. Specifically, magnesium is essential to produce serotonin, which is responsible for relaxing the nervous system and lifting moods. Serotonin also contributes to healthy sleep.
  • Reduce the stress in your life – Try to identify the causes of stress in your life and then come up with ways to mitigate or eliminate them from your life. Some great ways to reduce and manage stress are:
    • Mindfulness meditation
    • Yoga
    • Massage
    • Walking in nature
    • Deep breathing
  • Introduce a natural anti-inflammatory drink to your diet - When you consume anti-inflammatory foods regularly, several antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and even anti-cancer agents can build up in your blood. Over a period, these potent agents can play a significant role in reducing and/or eliminating inflammatory reactions in the body. Including these drinks in your daily diet will help reduce overall inflammation and prevent new inflammatory pain. We suggest:
    • Green tea with ginger
    • Apple cider vinegar
    • Tumeric milk
    • Cherry tart juice


“I live in the present moment and easily release all past pain” – Louise Hay


Visit a short tutorial on muscle release ball use on our Yoga to Transform YouTube channel here -

 To buy a muscle release ball visit:


  • Note - Yoga to Transform does not benefit from the sale of muscle release balls.

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