Exploring the magic of deep breathing

breath breath work breathing Oct 26, 2023
2 women standing with hand in prayer and heads bowed

Hello, beautiful souls! It's another blissful blog post, and you've arrived at Yoga to Transform. Here's a guide for this journey of self-discovery and mental well-being. 


Today, we delve into the art of enhancing our mental health and boosting brain activity through the power of yoga. It may sound like a complex puzzle, but the key lies in something simple yet profound - your breath.


Exploring the magic of deep breathing and mindful movement it's a pathway to enriching our brains with oxygenated blood.  


Take a comfortable seat wherever you are. Feel the connection of your body with the Earth. Are there any sensations, fears, or doubts? Let go and seek ease.  


Now, let's begin.  


Start by becoming aware of your breath. Locate the point in your body where you feel your breath most profoundly - perhaps in your chest or chest and abdomen. Observe where your body moves as you breathe. For the next few minutes, there's no need for any specific actions. Simply close your eyes or lower your gaze and allow yourself to settle into the soothing rhythm of your breath.  


Now, as you inhale, draw your breath in through your nose, and for the next couple of breaths, exhale through your mouth. Inhale deeply, and exhale with a gentle sigh, letting go of any tension.  


As you complete your last round of breath, return to inhaling and exhaling through your nostrils. Notice the subtle sensations of the breath in your back body and side body. Feel how your ribcage expands and contracts. Now, gently lower your hands to your thighs.  


As you continue to breathe easily let your chest come forward on the in breath and then draw the belly button towards your spine and gaze down as you breath out. Continue in this pattern of seated cat and cow following your breath.


As you feel ready bring the movement to a close.


Bring your hands to your heart's centre. Inhale, keeping your hands at your heart, and exhale slowly.


Come back to your comfortable seat. Feel the ground or the chair beneath you, creating a stable foundation. Turn your palms upward and, if comfortable, form a mudra by joining your first finger and thumb. Allow your shoulders to relax and feel the natural curves in your spine. Now, take a few moments for deep, mindful breaths.  


As you continue to breathe deeply lengthen the exhale. Remember that this type of breathing calms your nervous system and can even reduce your blood pressure. Your body and mind are being nourished with each breath.  


 If you have more time, remain in this restful state  and continue to unwind, gradually returning to your surroundings when you're ready to transition. 


Thank you for joining us today as we explored the transformative power of yoga for your mind and body. 


May your day be filled with serenity and vitality. 




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