The Anusara Invocation - connecting to the highest first

Dec 20, 2023

In the practice of Anusara Yoga, we begin our classes with an opening invocation. This invocation reminds us to always align with the highest first and of the highest truth that resides within. As we take our seat and delve into the invocative chant, we connect with the essence of our being—the auspicious one, the luminous teacher within and without.

The Anusara Sanskrit Invocation and translation: 

Om namah shivaya gurave

I honour the essence of Being, the Auspicious One, the luminous Teacher within and without,


Who assumes the forms of Truth, Consciousness and Bliss,

Nisprapancaya shantaya

Is never absent, full of peace,

Niralambaya tejase

Ultimately free and sparkles with a Divine luster.

This invocation guides us towards anchoring ourselves in the three highest goals of Yoga: truth, consciousness, and bliss. It beckons us to uncover the layers that shroud our essential nature, so we can connect with the deeper truths that define our existence.

  1. Truth (Sat): Peel back the layers and connect with the truth of who you are. Come to know the truth of existence.
  2. Consciousness (Chit): Delve into understanding the nature of consciousness.
  3. Bliss (Ananda): Uncover a continuous state of being bliss, a state that is beyond fleeting experiences of happiness or joy.

In this reminder, we are encouraged to recognize that this inner essence is ever-present and brimming with peace, and we are one with the Divine. It prompts us to reside in a place of contentment and liberation, coming to the realisation we are ultimately free. All the prisons we feel trapped within, in our external worlds are self-made and at any moment we can choose to step out of the confinement of our current experience and connect to the liberation of living our calling - that which makes us sparkle and become luminous. We all have within us the ability to live from:

  • Contentment: Discover a space of peace and contentment within yourself.
  • Freedom: Embrace the ultimate freedom that comes from peeling back the layers.
  • Luminosity: Sparkle with the divine luster as you connect with your true self.

In the movement and rituals of our Yoga practice, we release the memories and conditioning that bind us, freeing not only the physical body but also the mental, emotional and subtle layers that trigger and trip us up as we move through life. With each breath, we are reminded we are full, complete, and nothing is missing.

A Practice of Remembrance:

  • Letting Go: With every exhalation, release all that holds you back from your true self.
  • Inner Fullness: With every inhalation, feel the inner fullness of your luminous, bright being—full of peace, truth, light, and bliss.

Yoga, when we align with the highest first, becomes a sacred ritual of remembrance, a journey of revelation to reconnect with the truth of who we are. In a world where forgetfulness of our own radiance and auspiciousness is common, the practice serves as a constant reminder that we are much more than our stressful and challenging experiences and that we can transcend these if our practice is consistent enough. As we navigate life's journey, may we strive to remember, with each breath, the luminous truth that defines our essence.

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